
  • WASD - move
  • Spacebar - Jump
  • Left Shift - Walk
  • E - Grab
  • F - throw
  • Up and Down arrow keys to SCALE/resize objects.


  • The little floating purple-ish flat cylinders in the air are where cubes are spawned, they are not a part of the puzzles in any other capacity.
  • The second level's button is high up.

Objective/Game Loop: find the button, press the button with a cube to open the door, head to the next section.

Note: The game does not have an end screen, jumping into the abyss at the end of the last little level constitutes the end of the game. If you make it that far, congratulations and thanks very much for playing!

Known Bugs:

  • Walls dissolve and sometimes don't reappear when the player goes behind them (though they are still active and act as walls)
  • One of the cubes on level 2 doesn't respawn if dropped into the abyss beyond the walls - that level cannot be completed with only 2 blocks so the player would need to restart the game to try again.
  •  some checkpoints de-activate (unintentionally) if the player dies and respawns, they can be re-activated immediately if the player walks back into them after respawning. 


Developed by Jeff Row

Template UI and Utility Scripts: Aidan Bacon
UI Sound Effect assets: Nathan Gibson
SFX & Music assets: Ovani Sound
Made with Unity.

Created for the GMTK Game Jam (2024 - Built to Scale) within 96 hours.

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